Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life's like that........ !!!

Even as I am trying hard to keep my eyes open (the sleepiness that creeps in post lunch!), a dozen thoughts flash through my mind and I have started pondering over the questions that I have been asking myself for quite sometime now. Hasn’t predictability crept into my life in the form of things that I do everyday? Have I not got settled into this routine a bit too comfortably? Everything from the music that I listen to, the movies that I watch, the places that I go for, the newspapers, books & blogs that I read, the websites that I visit, to the food that I eat, the work that I do, the people whom I chat with, seems to have an air of predictability to it. There’s predictability in every single thing that I do! A kind of monotony seems to have crept in. But then I am not complaining about it at all and I do like it most of the times. Despite that, the urge to break free from this routine does make a grand appearance once in a while and now is one such moment. But what do I do to achieve that is THE big question!

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